Glue Remove - 1 Gallon

Product ID: 010900100

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$54.55 / Ea
SureCrete's GlueRemove is a carpet glue remover that is a safe, non-flammable, water-based glue and mastic remover that effectively softens and removes most types of carpet adhesives and similar glue deposits. GlueRemove is ideal for use in occupied areas like post offices, schools, hospitals and other public places.

Product Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
Carper Glue Remover and some typical application:

" Mastic Glue Removal
" Carpet Glue Removal
" VCT Glue and Residue
" Vinyl Tile Adhesive Floor
" Carpet Floors with Glue
" Remove Black Mastic

How Do You Use SureCrete GlueRemove™ Mastic and Carpet Glue Removal Product?

GlueRemove has a very particular application arena, and when applied correctly, will make quick work of any glue residue on your floors.

1. Make sure all dust and debris are clear from the area before applying GlueRemove.
2. The product can be sprayed from a pump-up sprayer, brushed or mopped on evenly across your surface.
3. GlueRemove should be allowed to stand on the surface for 20-45 minutes depending on the thickness of the glue or mastic build-up on the floor.
4. Scrape up softened residue and rinse thoroughly with water.
5. Heavy mastic/glue residues may require a second treatment.

Specifications and Properties of GlueRemove Concrete Carpet Glue Remover:
Coverage Varies: approximately 150 square foot /gallon
VOC Rating: 0 g/L
Shelf Life: 1 year in original unopened container
Appearance: Green Liquid
Odor: Pleasant
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